What Does Badges Mean on iPhone

On the iPhone, various features enhance user experience, and understanding these can significantly improve interaction. One such feature is Badges, a simple yet crucial component of iOS notifications. Here, you will learn what badges are on iPhone or iPad and how to enable or disable them efficiently.

Gorilla updated on Sep 11, 2024 | Home > iOS & Mac Topics

What Are Badges on iPhone

What are badges in iPhone notifications? Badges on an iPhone are small red circles or dots that appear on app icons, displaying a numeric value that indicates the number of unread or pending notifications related to that app, such as unread messages, missed calls, or new emails. Badges serve as a visual reminder for users to check certain apps for updates or new content.

To manage these badges, users can go to Settings > Notifications, where they can choose which apps can display badges and how they appear. This feature helps prioritize attention to apps requiring immediate check or further action.

iPhone notification badges

Badges Not Showing on iPhone: How to Fix

If your iPhone notification badges not showing, you can try several troubleshooting steps:

✅ Enable Badge Notifications: Go to Settings > Notifications, select the app, and make sure that "Allow Notifications" and "Badges" are toggled on.

✅ Restart Your iPhone: Sometimes, simply restarting your device can resolve minor software glitches that may prevent badges from displaying.

✅ Update Your Apps and iOS: Outdated apps or iOS might cause compatibility issues with notifications so ensure everything is up-to-date.

Relater Article: How to Fix Notifications Not Working

How to Clear Notification Badges on iPhone

To clear notification badges, you can try the following:

✅ Read or Respond to Notifications: The most straightforward way to clear badges is by opening the app and addressing the unread notifications.

✅ Clear Notifications from Notification Center: Swipe down from the top of the screen to access Notification Center, then find the app's notifications and clear them.

✅ Set App Badge to None: For a temporary solution, you can go to Settings > Notifications, select the app and set the Badge setting to None, which removes badges without impacting the receipt of notifications.

Notification Badge Won't Go away on iPhone: What to Do

Some iPhone users reflected that their cash app notification badge won't go away on iPhone. Well, if a notification badge or cash app badge won't go away on your iPhone, it can be quite bothersome, but there are several strategies you can employ to resolve this issue:

✔️ Clear App Notifications: Open the app associated with the persistent badge. Often, simply viewing the unread items or messages can clear the badge.

✔️ Restart the App: Double-click the Home button (or swipe up from the bottom on iPhones without a Home button) to bring up the app switcher. Find the app with the stubborn badge and swipe it up to close it fully. Reopen the app to see if the badge has cleared.

✔️ Check for Updates: Sometimes, a bug in the app can cause the badge to not clear properly. Look for any available updates in the App Store and install them, as updates often include bug fixes.

✔️ Reboot Your iPhone: Restarting your iPhone can help clear up minor software glitches and may resolve the issue with the badge.

✔️ Reset Notification Settings: Go to Settings > Notifications, find the app, and toggle off "Badges." Restart your iPhone, then go back and re-enable badges for the app.

✔️ Check for Hidden Notifications: Some apps might have sections for different kinds of messages or notifications (like inboxes or folders). Ensure all sections have been checked for unread items.

✔️ Delete and Reinstall the App: If none of the above steps work, you might consider deleting and reinstalling the app. Be sure you won't lose essential data by doing this, as some apps do not store data in the cloud.

More Reading: What is Tracking Notifications on iPhone