The time it takes for photos to upload to a shared album varies depending on photo size, Internet speed, device conditions, and more. Here is a simple estimation of the uploading time.
- For a small number of photos, uploading to a shared album can take a few seconds to a minute or two.
- For a larger number of photos, uploading to a shared album takes several minutes to up to an hour.
Depending on your internet speed and file size, the time to upload will vary. For example, if the photo file size is large (10+ MB each) or the photo resolution is high, uploading to a shared album will take a long time. The overall upload time will also depend on how many photos are uploaded simultaneously. The images will be uploaded to iCloud faster with a faster internet upload speed. Longer upload times are the result of slower internet connections. Depending on cellular vs. Wi-Fi access, uploading on a mobile device could be slower than on a computer. Upload speeds may also be impacted by other device usage.
As you can see, sometimes, uploading photos to a shared album takes a long time. If you are stuck on the data transfer, you can use the best data transfer tool - EaseUS MobiMover. It is a reliable iPhone data transfer tool that moves data from iPhone to Android/iPhone/Mac/Windows or vice versa. It supports the transfer of 17+ files. The transfer process is easy and quick. No matter your situation, EaseUS MobiMover can help you a lot with data transfer. Just download it to your computer and start transferring files.
Step 1. Launch EaseUS MobiMover on your computer.
Step 2. Choose "Phone to Phone."
Step 3. Select the files you want to transfer.
Step 4. Click "Transfer."
Related Article: Transfer Everything from iPhone to iPhone Without iCloud