Does Deleting an App on iPhone Delete All the Data?

Sofia Albert updated on May 23, 2024 to iOS Questions and Answers

I want to delete an app on my iPhone, but will the app data be deleted? If I download this app next time, will the data still be there?

No, not all of an app's data is deleted from an iPhone when the app is deleted. This issue depends on how the data is kept and how the program is designed.

When you delete an app from your iPhone, any files or data kept on your device within the app's sandbox will also be deleted. However, it's important to note that even after removing the app from your iPhone, data that the app was backing up or syncing to a cloud service (such as iCloud, Dropbox, or Google Drive) may still be accessible there, potentially providing a backup of your data.

It's crucial to remember that some apps can erase all related info together with the app itself. It is up to the app developer to put this into practice. Generally speaking, removing an app from an iPhone does not erase all of the data connected to it.

Before you delete an app, you should note the risk of data loss. If you need to back up your iPhone to avoid data loss, you can use EaseUS MobiMover to back up your iPhone. This professional software will help you back up your whole iPhone in one click. If you want to back up specific data, you can also use EaseUS MobiMover to achieve this. MobiMover supports the transfer and backup of various data types. You can back up your photos, contacts, messages, and more anywhere on your computer.

Just download EaseUS MobiMover and follow the steps to back up your iPhone.

  • Launch EaseUS MobiMover.
  • Tap the "Backup Manager" > "Backup" mode.
  • Select the data and destination for backup.
  • Tap "One-Click Backup" to start.

Related Article: How to Delete Files on iPhone/iPad